Here’s Why You Should Sell Your Furniture

Crate and Barrel Loveseat image for sale

If you’re read­ing this it’s like­ly you’re sit­ting (fig­u­ra­tive­ly or lit­er­al­ly) on some unwant­ed fur­ni­ture. The deci­sion to sell your fur­ni­ture vs. donate or dis­card is nev­er an easy one — each hav­ing enough draw­backs to make chuck­ing your fur­ni­ture out the win­dow seem like the eas­i­est solution.

As pros in fur­ni­ture resale, we’re here to sell you on sell­ing your fur­ni­ture. Prefer­ably through Apt­De­co. But also just in gen­er­al. We’re sick of see­ing great fur­ni­ture end­ing up on the curb, con­tribut­ing to the 12 mil­lion tons in annu­al fur­ni­ture waste. It’s hurt­ing the envi­ron­ment, not to men­tion your furniture’s feel­ings. On top of that, you’re essen­tial­ly throw­ing away cash. 

The cre­ation of fur­ni­ture resale sites has made it so easy to sell your stuff that you don’t have to do any of the frus­trat­ing work (like cash trans­ac­tions, mov­ing fur­ni­ture, arrang­ing a trade-off time, etc. etc.) 

Essen­tial­ly, there’s no excuse not to try it! But just in case you need some addi­tion­al con­vinc­ing, below is why you should sell your unwant­ed furniture.

Your Environmental Impact

Furniture waste contributes to environmental pollution

Envi­ron­men­tal impact is one of the hottest top­ics in con­sumerism that isn’t going away any­time soon. We’re see­ing real envi­ron­men­tal shifts as a direct prod­uct of our over­con­sump­tion habits. Most peo­ple know about how sin­gle-use plas­tic affects the plan­et, but do you know how much the fur­ni­ture indus­try con­tributes to pol­lu­tion, waste and resource deple­tion? If not, read up. Fur­ni­ture waste is the sec­ond largest con­trib­u­tor of urban waste. 

It might not be the most con­ve­nient, but adopt­ing a few envi­ron­men­tal­ly sound changes into your life has more impact than you think. 

If you sold one piece of fur­ni­ture every year for the next 10 years, you’d off­set 790 pounds of C02 or the equiv­a­lent of tak­ing 290 cars off the road. Dou­ble that if you buy used fur­ni­ture to replace the last piece. 

If every per­son in the regions Apt­De­co ser­vices sold one piece of fur­ni­ture, we’d off­set 2.61 bil­lion pounds of C02, take 1 bil­lion cars off the road, or plant the equiv­a­lent of 20 mil­lion trees. 
It adds up. Read more easy tips on low­er­ing your envi­ron­men­tal footprint.

Change is Good

Moving a sofa after selling it online

Most of us have been sit­ting in our homes for the past year and a half, work­ing from the same desk, star­ing at the same art and loung­ing on the same chairs. Liv­ing the same scene day in, day out has been proven to low­er cre­ativ­i­ty and pro­duc­tiv­i­ty. Sci­en­tif­ic evi­dence shows that when we are exposed to a vari­ety of scenes, we feel hap­pi­er and more relaxed. This can be applied to a lot of areas in your life, but a big one is the look and feel of your liv­ing space. Sell­ing your fur­ni­ture gives you the means to buy new fur­ni­ture with­out break­ing the bank or cre­at­ing unnec­es­sary waste. It’s an easy fix for a prob­lem many of us face.

Someone Wants What You Have

Wood Circular Dining Table

Ah the age old say­ing — one person’s trash gen­tly used fur­ni­ture, is anoth­er person’s trea­sure. Just because you don’t want it doesn’t mean some­one isn’t look­ing for that exact item. Give your­self some cred­it, you’ve got great style, and some­one out there wants a piece of it! 

Pro tip: check your list­ing to see how many peo­ple have your item in their carts for a lit­tle ego boost. 

Money Helps

Dropping money in a piggy bank

This one hard­ly needs an expla­na­tion. A lit­tle extra cash nev­er hurt any­one. We make it so easy to sell that all you have to do is post your list­ing. From there, we’ll han­dle pay­ment, sched­ule pick­up and deliv­er your item to the buyer. 

Your fur­ni­ture sit­ting on the curb is essen­tial­ly a wad of cash that you’re throw­ing away. Be advan­ta­geous! Get that money.

Now, start selling!

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