10 Sustainable Brands That are Making an Impact

Square images of sustainable brands

Sus­tain­able brands are so impor­tant to the future of con­sumerism. In a world inun­dat­ed with cli­mate change and over­con­sump­tion chal­lenges, we need sus­tain­able brands to help reverse the dam­age already done. As a sus­tain­able com­pa­ny our­selves, we care not only about cre­at­ing a more eco-friend­ly future through our work, but build­ing up oth­er brands that are work­ing towards the same mis­sion. So we’re break­ing down our favorite sus­tain­able brands out­side of the fur­ni­ture industry.

But first, some back­ground on why Apt­De­co is so pas­sion­ate about clean­ing up the fur­ni­ture indus­try. Fur­ni­ture accounts for 4% of all house­hold waste, and over 12 mil­lion tons of fur­ni­ture go to land­fills each year, mean­ing a lot of work needs to be done to make a change. By cre­at­ing a more cir­cu­lar fur­ni­ture econ­o­my, we can keep fur­ni­ture out of land­fills and give it life for years to come, in turn reduc­ing new pro­duc­tion and waste. And while we’re all-in on the fur­ni­ture game, there are so many waste­ful prod­ucts out there that we can’t begin to tack­le. Enter: a slew of inspir­ing com­pa­nies cre­at­ing a tidal wave of sus­tain­able change in their respec­tive industries. 

Sus­tain­able liv­ing should be looked at from all angles, so we’re high­light­ing brands that work tire­less­ly to cre­ate a more eco-friend­ly future. These are just a few of the impact­ful com­pa­nies mak­ing a change, so make sure to keep your eyes peeled for oth­er brands who are also killing the game (not the environment). 

See one we missed? Let us know in the comments!


Blueland products

Blue­land’s mis­sion is to make house­hold items, start­ing with clean­ing prod­ucts, reusable, nat­ur­al and sus­tain­able. They’ve made clean­ing prod­ucts, such as all-pur­pose spray and laun­dry deter­gent into dilutable tablets, giv­ing a new mean­ing to the term just add water.

Package Free

Package Free products

Pack­age Free focus­es on reduc­ing prod­uct pack­ag­ing in efforts to make nat­ur­al, plas­tic-free prod­ucts eas­i­ly acces­si­ble to all. They car­ry an array of prod­ucts and brands from beau­ty to house­hold that will help you make more con­scious buy­ing deci­sions. Plus, if you’re local to the NYC area they have a store in Williams­burg, Brook­lyn you can visit.

By Humankind

By Humankind products

By Humankind cre­ates per­son­al care prod­ucts with­out sin­gle-use plas­tic. They’re car­bon neu­tral and offer a plas­tic off­set plan where you can donate to low­er your plas­tic foot­print. The best part? You can order your sham­poo, con­di­tion­er, etc. on a sub­scrip­tion basis so you nev­er run out. 

MATE the label

Mate the Label products

MATE the Label is com­mit­ted to 360 clean prac­tices by cre­at­ing eth­i­cal, sus­tain­able and non-tox­ic cloth­ing. They even pub­lish an annu­al impact report to pro­mote transparency. 


Rothy's 'mary jane' shoes on woman standing in sand

Rothy’s is on a quest to cre­ate a more cir­cu­lar econ­o­my by using recy­cled mate­ri­als for all of their prod­ucts. Their shoes might be made of recy­cled bot­tles, but they are some of the com­fi­est and most func­tion­al slip-ons on the market.


Stasher bag in pink holding white seeds

Stash­er over­hauled the plas­tic bag indus­try after intro­duc­ing a non-tox­ic sil­i­cone stor­age bag that’s reusable, dish­wash­er safe and sus­tain­able. You’ll be won­der­ing why these haven’t been a thing for longer! And while the indi­vid­ual bags may be pricey, you’ll save mon­ey in the long run when you no longer need to buy dis­pos­able bags. 

Bite Toothpaste

Bite toothpaste jar and bits

Bite tooth­paste reimag­ined the tra­di­tion­al tube of tooth­paste into a chew­able tablet in order to reduce waste and cre­ate a less tox­ic prod­uct. Their pack­ag­ing is made from recy­cled mate­ri­als, too. Not to men­tion, you’ll nev­er have to wor­ry about trav­el­ing with tooth­paste over the 3.4 oz lim­it again.


Parade full coverage underwear in red on a woman

Parade is an under­wear com­pa­ny whose prod­ucts are made of 85% recy­cled mate­ri­als. Their prod­ucts are also free of chem­i­cals that are harm­ful to your body and the envi­ron­ment. The col­ors are also super fun, and don’t we all need a bit more fun in our lives?

United by Blue

Woman in wide brimmed hat hanging clothes on a clothesline in a field

Unit­ed by Blue cre­ates cloth­ing for every­one, made with sus­tain­able and recy­cled materials.

Plus, for every prod­uct pur­chased, Unit­ed by Blue removes one pound of trash from water­ways. And let’s face it, when was the last time you removed a pound of trash from a water­way? (If you have, 4 can­dy canes for you, Glen Coco!)


Woman wearing lime colored dress on a lime background

You may have already heard of pop­u­lar fash­ion brand Ref­or­ma­tion. Their sus­tain­abil­i­ty prac­tices are down to a sci­ence and they’ve been car­bon neu­tral since 2015, mak­ing them a leader in sus­tain­able brand prac­tices. This brand also hap­pens to be a one-stop shop for all wed­ding needs, from bride to guest.

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