The 8 Best Vintage Furniture Stores in Los Angeles

A collage of vintage furniture from stores in Los Angeles

When you’re ready to mix up your inte­ri­or style some­times brand-name fur­ni­ture just doesn’t cut it. Vin­tage fur­ni­ture is the per­fect way to add a unique touch to your space while avoid­ing look­ing ster­ile. Not only does buy­ing vin­tage fur­ni­ture give an old piece new life, but it also helps you give that per­son­al­ized touch to your space. 

Los Ange­les is known for its eclec­tic taste, with some­thing for every­one. It’s no dif­fer­ent when it comes to vin­tage fur­ni­ture, giv­ing you lots of options. But find­ing that per­fect vin­tage piece is a trea­sure hunt. To make your search eas­i­er, you want to scope out the best shops in the city. Rather than get over­whelmed with options, check out these shops for some of the best vin­tage fur­ni­ture in Los Angeles. 

1. Sunbeam Vintage

106 S Avenue 58, Los Angeles, CA

The low­down: Ebee Mar­tinez and her hus­band form the force of cura­tion behind Sun­beam Vin­tage. Their back­ground in design sets their col­lec­tion apart, mak­ing Sun­beam one of the best spots for vin­tage fur­ni­ture in Los Ange­les. Their selec­tion of vin­tage pieces focus­es on style and crafts­man­ship while keep­ing prices afford­able. One of the biggest com­plaints is that the selec­tion of vin­tage goods in store is some­what lim­it­ed. Fear not, Sun­beam Vin­tage also boasts an online cat­a­log with even more inven­to­ry. Remem­ber that, as with all vin­tage stores, you’re like­ly to find indi­vid­ual mas­ter­pieces instead of sets.

Price: $ – Prices are both rea­son­able and afford­able. They even encour­age dis­cus­sions on pric­ing to keep inven­to­ry mov­ing. Exam­ple pric­ing: $450 for a king-sized vin­tage headboard. 

Best time to go: Head­ing down­town is nev­er fun, but the unique­ness, qual­i­ty, and beau­ty of Sunbeam’s vin­tage fur­ni­ture make it worth the trip. Your best bet is to go on a week­day; the ear­li­er, the bet­ter, to avoid the rush. 

Rec­om­mend­ed for: Fur­ni­ture afi­ciona­dos, casu­al shop­pers, and low and mid-lev­el ballers

2. Big Daddy’s Antiques

3334 La Cienega Pl, Los Angeles, CA 

The low­down: The truth is that the high tick­et price on most items makes Big Daddy’s Antiques a muse­um for more peo­ple than a des­ti­na­tion where vin­tage items can indulge your thrift. Regard­less, the incred­i­ble vari­ety in vin­tage fur­ni­ture and decor match­es the ver­i­fi­a­bil­i­ty. They also car­ry repro­duc­tions and cre­ate cus­tom fur­ni­ture if you can’t find the per­fect piece. They don’t have an online store or web­site, but they make up for it on Insta­gram with about 50,000 fol­low­ers. Occa­sion­al­ly, they’ll post new items; you just have to DM them to inquire about the cost. You’ll also find light­ing and art-relat­ed prod­ucts, adding to the store’s con­sid­er­able cheer and style. 

Price: $$$ –Big Dad­dy’s pric­ing is not as accom­mo­dat­ing as their park­ing in LA’s heart. Exam­ple pric­ing: $8,500 for a vin­tage black leather sofa. 

Best time to go: The shop is spa­cious with ample park­ing. If you’re just look­ing, vis­it­ing over the week­end can ease any awk­ward­ness of leav­ing emp­ty-hand­ed. Just know that week­ends tend to be busy since Big Daddy’s Antiques holds its own as a legit LA destination.

Rec­om­mend­ed for: high-end design lovers, big-tick­et acquirers 

3. Olde Good Things

1800 S Grand Ave, Los Angeles, CA

The low­down: Olde Good Things can be sen­so­ry over­load for even the most sea­soned vin­tage fur­ni­ture enthu­si­ast. We found that the inven­to­ry is in con­stant flux, so fre­quent vis­its can be reward­ing. The fact that this store is fam­i­ly-owned gives it a spe­cial touch of pas­sion com­bined with con­sis­ten­cy, pro­fes­sion­al­ism, and taste. If your sched­ule is jammed packed, shop their vin­tage selec­tion on their web­site. But be warned, there’s a pro­lif­ic cat­a­log to peruse. You can also buy from Olde Good Things on 1stDibs. 

Price: $$ – The selec­tion at Olde Good Things is afford­able, con­tribut­ing to the con­stant­ly chang­ing inven­to­ry. Exam­ple pric­ing: $1,450 for a Wal­nut Cre­den­za with Slid­ing Front Doors. 

Best time to go: Get­ting here is easy since it’s right off the high­way. With so many fun pieces, it’s best to make your vis­it its own trip. No mat­ter what time you vis­it, you’ll find plen­ty of staff to assist you, whether you’re in the house with large vin­tage fur­ni­ture or the sec­ond build­ing with small­er antique pieces. 

Rec­om­mend­ed for: Antique hunters and stressed-out free­way surfers

4. AptDeco

Used and vintage furniture for sale in Los Angeles, CA — Online only

The low­down: Shop for vin­tage gems across the Unit­ed States, all from the com­fort of your home. Hot tip: some of the biggest vin­tage sell­ers also sell on Apt­De­co, mak­ing it a one-stop shop for all your favorite vin­tage stores. Apt­De­co also deliv­ers, mean­ing you don’t have to lug your new bestie all the way from the store.

Some of our favorite Apt­De­co vin­tage sell­ers include Asbury Vin­tage, All Kin­da Fur­ni­ture and Sec­ond­hand Sto­ries. Fil­ter by brand and select ‘vintage/antique’ for the holy grail.

Price: $$—There’s some­thing in every price range, from one-off used fur­ni­ture pieces to din­ing and bed­room sets in pris­tine con­di­tion. Search­ing for a deal? Choose your price range, then fil­ter by ship­ping options and select “free ship­ping” and “50% off ship­ping” to save even more. Exam­ple pric­ing: $300 for a vin­tage armoire.

Rec­om­mend­ed for: Vin­tage lovers, brand-name buy­ers, deal seekers

5. Midcentury LA

5333 Cahuenga Blvd, Los Angeles, CA

The low­down: There is a sense of mean­ing to your time spent at Mid­cen­tu­ry, and the staff ensures just that by pay­ing full atten­tion to your every need and query. Many of the pieces are import­ed from around the world. What makes Mid­cen­tu­ry stand out is that they take on the work of restor­ing each piece, includ­ing both re-uphol­ster­ing and refin­ish­ing. Restora­tion is built into the tick­et price. The vin­tage fur­ni­ture selec­tion has a wide vari­ety of pieces and numer­ous design­er pieces. Mid­cen­tu­ry was start­ed in Swe­den and has expand­ed to the Unit­ed States, call­ing Los Ange­les home for almost 20 years! 

Price: $$$$ – Mid­cen­tu­ry charges pre­mi­um prices for care­ful­ly curat­ing and restor­ing beau­ti­ful vin­tage fur­ni­ture. Despite the high tick­et price, clients are hap­py with what they find at Mid­cen­tu­ry LA. While they have a sale sec­tion, even the sale prices align with the cost of design­er fur­ni­ture. Exam­ple pric­ing: $5,500 for a wal­nut exec­u­tive desk from Italy.

Best time to go: Mid­cen­tu­ry LA is an exclu­sive vin­tage fur­ni­ture store in Los Ange­les. You’ll need to call or email to book an appoint­ment before visiting. 

Rec­om­mend­ed for: Inte­ri­or design­ers, vin­tage fur­ni­ture sharks, and pro­fes­sion­al Hol­ly­wood suppliers

6. Casa Victoria Vintage Furniture

1218 Sunset Blvd Unit C, Los Angeles, CA

The low­down: Casa Vic­to­ria brings togeth­er the finest vin­tage fur­ni­ture mak­ers from around LA, includ­ing design­ers, under one roof. In actu­al­i­ty, Casa Vic­to­ria is a fast-mov­ing store­house of vin­tage and used fur­ni­ture. You’ll find a wide vari­ety of vin­tage fur­ni­ture and light­ing, rang­ing in qual­i­ty and con­di­tion. If you’re pressed for time, you can check out their lat­est inven­to­ry on their web­site, Insta­gram, and YouTube. Just note that they don’t update very often. You’ll also have to arrange your own pick­up since they don’t offer delivery. 

Price: $$ –There is some­thing for all price ranges. Exam­ple pric­ing: $395 for a pair of French-style nightstands. 

Best time to vis­it: You’ll want to check here often since inven­to­ry changes reg­u­lar­ly. The best time to vis­it this store is to avoid the worst time. Giv­en its loca­tion near the Dodger Sta­di­um, you’ll want to check the home game sched­ule and avoid vis­it­ing when traf­fic and park­ing will be packed. 

Rec­om­mend­ed for: Vin­tage fur­ni­ture enthu­si­asts, design­ers, and tourists

7. 45 Three Modern Vintage Home

1051 1/2 S Fairfax Ave, Los Angeles, CA

The low­down: This is the store to check out if you’re look­ing for retro mid-cen­tu­ry and estate vin­tage fur­ni­ture. 45 Three Mod­ern Vin­tage is a black-owned and woman-owned vin­tage fur­ni­ture shop in Los Ange­les. Staci’s pas­sion (own­er) is what you’re pay­ing into when you shop here. She is high­ly rat­ed for her love and gen­uine care for her clien­t’s pref­er­ences. While there is some online pres­ence, you’ll have the most luck vis­it­ing the store in person. 

Price: $$ – The per­son­al touch of 45 Three Mod­ern Vin­tage sets this store apart but also means you’ll pay a bit more. Exam­ple pric­ing: $300 for a cof­fee table.

Best time to vis­it: This store has lim­it­ed hours and is only open Wednes­day, Thurs­day, and Fri­day from 11 am to 6 pm, so plan accord­ing­ly or try sched­ul­ing an appointment. 

Rec­om­mend­ed for: Vin­tage fur­ni­ture resellers, pas­sion­ate vin­tage enthu­si­asts, and art lovers

8. Pepe’s Thrifty Shop

4577 S Centinela Ave, Los Angeles, CA

The low­down: Pepe’s is the des­ti­na­tion for thrifty vin­tage fur­ni­ture with­out com­pro­mis­ing qual­i­ty. The own­ers of this fam­i­ly-owned busi­ness have over 35 years of expe­ri­ence in curat­ing and sell­ing vin­tage fur­ni­ture in Los Ange­les. You will get a very per­son­al, kitschy, mom-and-pop feel when vis­it­ing this place. They have some tru­ly unique pieces, so you’ll want to be sure to fol­low them on Insta­gram to stay up-to-date on their lat­est finds. Their web­site also has a gallery of their sold inven­to­ry to give you an idea of their style. 

Price: $ – The col­lec­tion is rather large and full of inter­est­ing arti­facts from all over—something for every­one. Exam­ple pric­ing: $195 for a vin­tage pine wood cof­fee table. 

Best time to vis­it: They’re open between 10 and 6 every day except Sun­days. Ear­li­er in the day is the most peaceful. 

Rec­om­mend­ed for: Vin­tage fur­ni­ture ama­teurs, resellers, and flippers

While there are plen­ty of oth­er vin­tage fur­ni­ture shops in Los Ange­les, these should be at the top of your list. There’s some­thing for every­one, with some stores geared towards high-end and oth­ers appeal­ing to the masses. 

Let the trea­sure hunt for the best vin­tage pieces in LA begin! 

Have a favorite vin­tage fur­ni­ture store in the LA area we should check out? Leave us a comment. 

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