The Ultimate Guide to Selling Your Furniture

Sell­ing gen­tly used fur­ni­ture should be easy, but it rarely is. Hag­gling with strangers, choos­ing the right price, actu­al­ly trans­port­ing the piece—just read­ing that is exhaust­ing. Apt­De­co was cre­at­ed for exact­ly this issue. Years lat­er, it’s safe to say that we’re experts in the art of sell­ing fur­ni­ture. We spe­cial­ize in mak­ing the sale quick and pain­less, while get­ting the largest pos­si­ble return. As the self-appoint­ed experts, we’re shar­ing every­thing you need to know about sell­ing furniture—from the dif­fer­ent ways to sell (and their pros and cons), to prep­ping your piece and sell­ing at the right price. Whether you’re mov­ing into a new home or just need a change, here’s the A to Z on sell­ing your furniture.

1. Choosing where to sell

Mixed furniture for sale in a store

When it comes to decid­ing where you want to sell your fur­ni­ture, the options can seem over­whelm­ing. Choos­ing the best place to sell depends on a num­ber of fac­tors, like type of fur­ni­ture (is it brand name, vin­tage, or fast fur­ni­ture?), the item’s con­di­tion, how quick­ly you want to sell, if you’re will­ing to bar­gain, and if perks like includ­ing pick­up and logis­tics are impor­tant to you.

Online marketplaces


Apt­De­co makes sell­ing fur­ni­ture insane­ly easy by han­dling every­thing for you. From the start, our free pric­ing tool sug­gests the best sell­ing price for your item, and we curate your list­ing to give it the best shot with buy­ers. Because of this, items usu­al­ly move quick­ly on the site. Once you make the sale, sched­ul­ing is done online and facil­i­tat­ed by us, then our white glove deliv­ery team picks up and dis­as­sem­bles your item at no extra charge. Plus, trans­ac­tions hap­pen entire­ly online (aka no cash + your per­son­al info won’t be shared).

Good for

  • Sell­ing brand name and vin­tage furniture
  • Items in good condition+
  • Those who want the full-ser­vice experience—listing cura­tion, pick­up and scheduling
  • Sell­ing quickly
  • Those who want to choose if they’re will­ing to accept offers or not
  • Sell­ers any­where in the Con­tigu­ous U.S.

Factors to consider

  • Apt­De­co takes a por­tion of the rev­enue after you sell your item (up to 60%) in order to pro­vide a full-ser­vice expe­ri­ence. This includes our white glove pick­up and dis­as­sem­bly ser­vice, list­ing cura­tion, adver­tis­ing your item, cus­tomer expe­ri­ence, and medi­at­ing returns.

Chairish is anoth­er full-scale online mar­ket­place, but they spe­cial­ize in high-end and unique finds that tend to cost more than your aver­age piece of fur­ni­ture. Just like Apt­De­co, they cre­ate a seam­less sell­ing expe­ri­ence from list­ing to payment.

Good for

  • Sell­ing high-end or design­er furniture
  • Items in good-to-excel­lent condition
  • Those who want the full-ser­vice experience
  • Pro­fes­sion­al fur­ni­ture consignors

Factors to consider

  • Poten­tial­ly slow­er selling—higher price tags = more thought­ful buyers
  • High sell­ing fees—Chairish takes up to 30% of the sell­ing price to account for their full-ser­vice model

Offer­Up is a self-ser­vice mar­ket­place where you can local­ly buy and sell just about any­thing. There’s no cura­tion and the web­site is pret­ty basic, but it’s a great place to get the job done.

Good for

  • Sell­ing fur­ni­ture of any brand, type or condition
  • Avoid­ing sell­ing fees
  • Sell­ing any­thing under the sun

Factors to consider

  • No added benefits—all pick­ups and trans­ac­tions must be arranged between the buy­er and seller
  • No set prices—a sell­er can set their sug­gest­ed price, but buy­ers then have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to make offers, mean­ing you might receive less than the ask­ing price.
Apart­ment Ther­a­py’s Bazaar

Apart­ment Therapy’s Bazaar is anoth­er self-ser­vice mar­ket­place that spe­cial­izes in fur­ni­ture and decor, but has a few addi­tion­al fea­tures like fil­ter­ing by free deliv­ery and secure payments.

Good for

  • Sell­ing fur­ni­ture of any brand, type or condition
  • Those look­ing for low sell­ing fees (they hov­er around 6%)
  • Secure, online transactions

Factors to consider

Lim­it­ed ben­e­fits — there is no built-in pick­up option, list­ing cura­tion or online scheduling


Good ‘ole Craigslist. The OG of buy­ing and sell­ing used items. It’s the clas­sic no-frills online mar­ket­place and needs no intro­duc­tion. If you’re look­ing to move things quick­ly, have items that aren’t exact­ly in mint con­di­tion, or are will­ing to go low on price then Craigslist might be your spot.

Good for

  • Sell­ing fur­ni­ture of any brand, type or condition
  • Sell­ing quickly
  • Avoid­ing sell­ing fees

Factors to consider

  • No added ben­e­fits, like pick­up or list­ing curation
  • No secu­ri­ty or sat­is­fac­tion guarantee
  • High vol­ume of inquiries with low follow-through
  • Only avail­able locally
  • Price hag­gling
  • Poten­tial­ly unsafe pickup/delivery situations
  • List­ings can eas­i­ly get lost in the shuffle
Face­book Marketplace

Face­book Mar­ket­place—like Craigslist, but with con­firmed pro­files that make it a lit­tle more legit. They’ve also been step­ping things up late­ly with new ship­ping and fil­ter­ing options.

Good for

  • Sell­ing fur­ni­ture of any brand, type or condition
  • Sell­ing quickly
  • Avoid­ing sell­ing fees

Factors to consider

  • Lim­it­ed added benefits—delivery has recent­ly become avail­able for some purchases
  • Lim­it­ed secu­ri­ty or sat­is­fac­tion guarantees—a strong Face­book pro­file usu­al­ly means a safe trans­ac­tion, but noth­ing is guaranteed
  • High vol­ume of inquiries with low follow-through
  • Price hag­gling

In-store selling

Vin­tage Stores

Most vin­tage fur­ni­ture stores tend to source their inven­to­ry from estate sales, garage sales, and through dona­tions, but some will accept direct sales. The best way to find out is to ask your local store directly.

Good for

  • Sell­ing unique or quirky furniture
  • Poten­tial­ly sell­ing quickly

Factors to consider

  • You most like­ly have to deliv­er the piece to them
  • It might be hard to find and reach out to stores
Con­sign­ment Shops

The OG of sell­ing used fur­ni­ture. We all remem­ber tag­ging along to at least one dusty con­sign­ment store with mom or an aunt. While the inter­net has made con­sign­ment shops less pop­u­lar, they can still be a viable option for sell­ing furniture.

Good for

  • Sell­ing high-qual­i­ty fur­ni­ture, or fur­ni­ture sets
  • Peo­ple who need the fur­ni­ture to be out of their homes quickly
  • Secure and guar­an­teed transactions

Factors to consider

  • Old school sell­ing process
  • High sell­ing fees
  • Poten­tial­ly tricky pickup/delivery situation

Looking to donate or discard your furniture? Check out our tips here.

2. Prepping your furniture for sale

Cleaning furniture before selling it

If you want to make the best return on invest­ment, prep­ping your fur­ni­ture ahead of sell­ing it is cru­cial. How much you need to spruce up your fur­ni­ture depends on its con­di­tion. In gen­er­al, we rec­om­mend wip­ing down and dust­ing your fur­ni­ture to san­i­tize it for the next per­son. Next, check for any issues that can be eas­i­ly fixed, like loose screws or scratch­es that can be buffed out. If your item is uphol­stered and has been lived-on for more than a year, spot or steam clean­ing will help return it to its for­mer glo­ry. If it’s a high­er-qual­i­ty piece, spend­ing some mon­ey to get it refur­bished can help increase the over­all value. 

These small updates will help make sure your piece pho­tographs well, is clean for the buy­er, and doesn’t get returned.

3. Listing your item

How to sell your furniture — girl taking picture of red swivel chair

The description

Always include details like orig­i­nal price, prod­uct link, and prod­uct descrip­tion when pos­si­ble. Addi­tion­al details help to make buy­ers feel more con­fi­dent with a quick decision.

What to include

  • Issues like pet or smoke expo­sure, stains, scratch­es or loose screws
  • Length of time you’ve had the item
  • Why you’re get­ting rid of the item
  • How you used it—was that cre­den­za per­fect in your entry­way, or did you use it as a makeshift bar cart?
  • How much you’ve enjoyed the item—people love a story!


You’ve cho­sen your sell­ing plat­form and start­ed list­ing your item. Next up, the often-dread­ed task of upload­ing images. Con­sid­er­ing pho­tos are the thing that draws a buy­er to your list­ing, they’re extreme­ly impor­tant! It’s make or break, and worth those extra few min­utes of effort. 

Sta­tis­ti­cal­ly, post­ing between 5 and 7 pho­tos helps your fur­ni­ture sell the fastest. Pho­to qual­i­ty mat­ters, too. For the best results, stage your images in a clean set­ting (like your liv­ing room or a plain white wall) and make sure to take pho­tos in good light­ing.

What to include

  • Every angle of the piece (side, front, back)
  • Close-up shots of the item’s flaws—if any­thing, show­ing dam­ages will make buy­ers feel more com­fort­able pur­chas­ing from you since you’re upfront about it
  • The item’s orig­i­nal retail page image—this real­ly helps buy­ers see the item in all its glory
  • A shot of the entire item from a few feet away

Last up, if you real­ly want to make a good first impres­sion, give your pho­tos a quick edit. Give it the old ‘auto’ but­ton makeover, crop out any dis­trac­tions in the pho­to, and add some bright­ness and sharp­ness for extra detail.


This is pos­si­bly the biggest fac­tor in how quick­ly your item will sell. In our expe­ri­ence, the best price is around 60% off the orig­i­nal retail val­ue. If you can’t wait to get an item off your hands, then start here or go with a steep­er dis­count. Time is money!

If you need extra help, try using our pric­ing tool. It’s free and gives you the opti­mal price point for your prod­uct based on details like con­di­tion, brand name, and retail price.

4. After the sale

Moving out furniture that you sold

Con­grats! You did the seem­ing­ly impossible—you sold your item. Now, depend­ing on what plat­form you used you have some deci­sions to make.

Arranging pickup and delivery

If you used a full-ser­vice plat­form, like *ahem* Apt­De­co, you can skip this part. Lucky you. Apt­De­co will han­dle sched­ul­ing and pick­up. On pick­up day, they’ll pick up the item from wher­ev­er it lives inside your home and deliv­er it to the buyer.

If you used a self-ser­vice plat­form and need to deliv­er the item, you have a few options:

  • Hire a Task Rab­bit—they’re rel­a­tive­ly inex­pen­sive and you can get a dis­count on your first use. 
  • Rent a U‑Haul—if you feel con­fi­dent enough to dri­ve a U‑Haul (good for you!) this is your most bud­get-friend­ly option. They usu­al­ly cost under $50 for a few hours, and you can add on a dol­ly and oth­er tools to make trans­port­ing the items easier. 
  • Send it in an Uber—if your item is small enough you can send it away in an Uber XL for the buy­er to pick up at their doorstep. Bonus: this is a Covid-friend­ly option for both par­ties. Just make sure you give the buy­er the car eta and details.

Creating a safe experience

If you did­n’t use a pro­fes­sion­al ser­vice, cre­at­ing a safe expe­ri­ence is extreme­ly impor­tant. Most of the peo­ple who buy from you will like­ly be very nice human beings who show up on time, pay the cor­rect amount, and for­get your address after­ward. But ]in the case of a not-so-nice human, here’s what to do.

  • Don’t allow any­one that isn’t a pro­fes­sion­al into your home. This is the best way to ensure your safe­ty. If the item is heavy, ask a friend to help trans­port it to the side­walk or hallway. 
  • Don’t give out your exact address. If pos­si­ble, give the buy­er your cross streets and meet them there with the item. If you have to pro­vide an address and live in a mul­ti-unit build­ing, omit the apart­ment number.
  • Bring back­up. There’s safe­ty in num­bers! In the off chance you do have an odd encounter, hav­ing a friend with you will smooth things out. 
  • Agree on the final price and pay­ment method ahead of time. Recon­firm that the price you’ve both agreed on is final, and make sure you’re in agree­ment on how the buy­er will pay. The safest options are Ven­mo or Pay­Pal since you can ensure pay­ment has gone through before the buy­er leaves.
  • Ask for pay­ment before hand­ing over the item. Don’t allow the buy­er to load the item into their car or take pos­ses­sion of your fur­ni­ture until they’ve paid you in full.

5. The best part

You made that mon­ey and now you get to spend that mon­ey. That cash isn’t going to spend itself! And you need a replace­ment [insert name of item you just sold, here]. 

Our suggestions for finding your next treasure:

For brand names and cool vin­tage finds that come from near and far
For high­er-end, one-of-a-kind items
For a quick replace­ment piece that does the job

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